Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Standbye, Turn Over, Rolling, Action, Cut. Strike Equipment.

I was taught how to produce and film a short motion sequence. After setting up the tripod and camera and devising a simple repetitive sequence, my group and I had to plan how we were going to film it and how many different frames and shots we were going to do.

We decided that Claudia was going to walk up to a sofa, pick up her glasses whilst sitting down, read a book for a few seconds and then end the shot.

As we did this we made sure that every shot was focused and had the right exposure and white balance. We did a number of different shots which included long shot, mid shot, close up and medium close up.

We also learned the basic language to filming which were: standby, turnover, rolling, action and then finally cut.

Once the filming was complete we had to strike the equipment which means put away all the cameras and tripods used etc to be able to use for another time.

*Rush or Dailies are the first print made of a day's filming.*

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